Welcome to the third incarnation of our Web Page. Right now we are working to make this page load as quickly as possible so you will likely see this page go through several changes from time to time.

We hope to keep the content in an easy to find place. If you have trouble viewing our pages please let us know by emailing us at nwajcc@mail.com.

And now a word from our President…

Hi visitor,

Thank you for coming by our web site I hope you will find the information you are looking for. We are a new chapter and I expect that over the next few months this page will change and develop as we add pictures and stories from our members. Be sure to come back often. If you would like to read our newsletter you will find it on the newsletter page (umm that's kind of obvious isn't it?) Any way the reason I mention the newsletter is because it will contain the most up to date information about our chapter.

Again I welcome you to our pages if there is anything we can do for you please let us know or you can email me by clicking on my name.

Martin Dean
Martin Dean
First President
NWA Junior Chamber

To contact us:

Phone: 256-740-0255
Email: nwajcc@mail.com

2808 Jackson Highway
Sheffield, Alabama 35660